Estão abertas as inscrições para a quinta edição da Summer School in Concepts and Methods in Political Science and International Relations. Os cursos de verão são organizados pela IPSA e pelo DCP/USP e ocorrem entre os dias 27 de janeiro e 14 de fevereiro de 2014. A lista completa de cursos pode ser consultada no link abaixo. Os programas possuem, em sua maioria, uma orientação quantitativa e são uma excelente oportunidade para por em dia a formação metodológica. No entanto, a edição de 2014 contará também com o curso de duas semanas "Method and Political Theory" ministrado pelo professor Andrew Vincent (Cardiff/Sheffield). Para quem não o conhece, Vincent é o autor do livro "The Nature of Political Theory" uma referência na área.
- Programas dos cursos
CALL FOR IPSA / AISP – 5th annual Summer School
IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts and Methods in Political Science and International Relations
January 27th and February 14th, 2014
University of São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil
Applications are now opened. The deadline to apply for the 2014 Summer School is September 20, 2013
The fifth season of the IPSA-USP Summer School on Methods and Concepts in Political Science and International Relations will be held at the University of São Paulo (USP) between January 27th and February 14th, 2014. The IPSA-USP Summer School has added four courses to its roster: Introduction to Network Analysis, Multilevel Analysis, Method and Political Theory and Predicting Elections. Overall, a total of thirteen courses will be offered in quantitative, qualitative and formal methods including two one-week refresher courses, two one-week regular courses and nine two-week regular courses.
Founded in 2010, the IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts and Methods in Political Science and International Relations seeks to provide scholars of the social sciences with access to high-quality, cutting edge, advanced training in qualitative and quantitative social science methods. The school’s faculty instructors represent the very best professorial talent in Europe and the Americas providing courses in a broad range of social science methods. In addition to being leaders in their field, the instructors are talented teachers.
Key dates
Applications are due by September 20, 2013.
Notifications of acceptances will be sent by September 24, 2013.
Applicants must pay registration fees to confirm participation by November 1, 2013.
The Mission of the IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts and Methods in Political Science and International Relations is related:
• To train current and future scholars in cutting-edge social science methods, including qualitative and quantitative data analysis, as well as research design and research methods.
• To bring together advanced social science scholars from the University of São Paulo, the rest of Brazil, other countries in Latin America, and the broader world in such a way as to create broad research networks that can stimulate the exchange of ideas, techniques and advanced methods across national and sub-disciplinary boundaries.
• To further consolidate the effort to establish a Summer School in Latin America that can serve as a global center for the propagation of advanced methods and techniques in political science research.
The IPSA-USP Summer School schedule is partitioned into a one-week session of refresher courses and a subsequent session of regular courses that are either one or two-weeks in length. The curriculum includes special information sessions that provide practical training on specific skills and seminars that provide participants with opportunities to examine the impact of various methodologies on specific substantive issues.
Participants to the IPSA-USP Summer School generally represent high-potential, upper-level scholars of political science, international relations, and related disciplines. While the largest number of participants are current faculty members, post-doctoral and doctoral students, there also an increasing number of truly exceptional masters’ students who have successfully completed courses in the School. IPSA-USP Summer School participants also represent a diverse number of countries and methodological backgrounds. In 2013, for example, participants who attended the school came from 30 different countries and 33 different universities and institutions.
Refresher Courses -January 27-31, 2014:
- Mathematics for Social Scientists
- Refresher Course in Statistics
One Week Regular Courses - February 3-7, 2014:
- Predicting Elections
- The Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences
Two Week Regular Courses - February 3-14, 2014:
- Case Study Methodology
- Comparative Research Designs and Comparative Methods
- Introduction to Network Analysis using Pajek
- Method and Political Theory
- Mixed Methods
- Multi-Level Analysis
- Quantitive Methods for Public Policy Analysis
- The Experimental Approach to Political Science Research
- Time Series Analysis and Pooled Time Series Analyses
More about course descriptions:
Institutional Partners:
Generous support for the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 Summer Schools was provided by the International Political Science Association (IPSA), by the Department of Political Science and by the Institute of International Relations, both of the University of São Paulo, by the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP), by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), by the Provost Offices of Research and Graduate Studies of the University of São Paulo, by FAPESP and by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM).