Entre os dias 19 e 21 de junho de 2014, será realizada a quarta edição da Conferência Geral da Associação Européia de Ciência Política (EPSA) na cidade de Edimburgo (Escócia). Entre as 18 mesas cadastradas, pela primeira vez na história do evento teremos uma mesa específica de teoria política - organizada por Peter Stone (Trinity Dublin). Os trabalhos podem ser submetidos aqui até o dia 13 de dezembro. Abaixo vocês encontram o convite de Stone e a lista com todas as mesas:
Good Afternoon:
The call for papers has gone out for the 4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association. It will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 19-21, 2014. This is the first year that the conference has had a political theory category for proposals. I have been asked to serve as head of the political theory section, and so I am anxious to see political theory make a big splash at the conference.
The proposal submission deadline is December 13, 2013. For further details, or to propose a paper and/or panel, please visit http://epsanet.org/conferences/general-conference-2014.html. And if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Yours Very Sincerely,
Peter Stone - Trinity College Dublin (pstone at tcd.ie)