sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2013

Igualdade de Oportunidades

John Roemer (Yale) e Alain Trannoy (EHESS) anteciparam o artigo sobre "Igualdade de Oportunidade" a ser publicado na nova edição do Handbook of Income Distribution. Os autores fazem um balanço do conceito tanto na literatura filosófica como na econômica de bem-estar. O artigo é seco, porém rigoroso. Para quem tiver interesse, existe um excelente verbete sobre o conceito na SEP escrito por Richard Arneson que pode ajudar.

This forthcoming chapter in the Handbook of Income Distribution (eds., A. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon) summarizes the literature on equality of opportunity. We begin by reviewing the philosophical debate concerning equality since Rawls (sections 1 and 2), present economic algorithms for computing policies which equalize opportunities, or, more generally, ways of ordering social policies with respect to their efficacy in opportunity equalization (sections 3, 4 and 5), apply the approach to the conceptualization of economic development (section 6), discuss dynamic issues (section 7), give a preamble to a discussion of empirical work (section 8), provide evidence of population views from surveys and experiments concerning conceptions of equality (section 9), and a discuss measurement issues, summarizing the empirical literature on inequality of opportunity to date (section 10). We conclude with mention of some critiques of the equal-opportunity approach, and some predictions (section 11).