segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2014

A França e a questão da imigração

Professor de filosofia da Paris 7, Justin Smith publicou um post no The Stone a respeito da questão imigratória na França. Norte-americano de nascença, Smith contrasta sua posição na sociedade francesa ("expatriado") com a das minorias étnicas que, supostamente, ameaçariam a identidade do país ("imigrantes"). Existiria algo além de preconceito nacionalista capaz de sustentar essa distinção?


Is there any justification for the two-tiered distinction between expatriates and immigrants, or for the extra impediments members of the latter group face when they try to settle in a new country? Nativist Europeans such as Finkielkraut will often express a concern about being “overrun” by members of ethnic groups from economically disadvantaged states or regions. Most of us can agree that even if there is not an absolute right to preserve one’s culture’s purity, it is at least a genuine good to be able to spend one’s life surrounded by others who share many of the same values and traditions. Something would be lost if, say, massive immigration led to a sudden shift in the demographics of Iceland, so that native Icelanders were now a minority in that once homogeneous island nation — and this would be a loss both for the country itself, as well as for those of us on the outside who value something akin to the cultural equivalent of biodiversity.

Does Immigration Mean ‘France Is Over’?