sábado, 11 de maio de 2013

Manchester Conference in Political Theory (MANCEPT)

Lembrando a todos que nas próximas semanas se encerram os prazos para a Manchester Conference in Political Theory. O evento é composto por centenas de pesquisadores divididos em mais de vinte mesas diferentes. É talvez o evento de teoria política mais importante da Europa. A conferência ocorre em Manchester entre os dias 4 e 6 de setembro e é organizada por estudantes de pós-graduação das universidades inglesas. 

Veja aqui a lista de workshops (de A a Z!)

MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory
Tenth Annual Conference: 4th – 6th September 2013
The Call for Convenors is now Closed.
Please find the description of this year’s panels and the contact details of the convenors above.
Once again, the Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT) in Politics at the University of Manchester will be organizing the annual Political Theory Workshops. Over the last nine years, participants from over twenty five countries have come together in a series of workshops concerned with issues in political theory/philosophy widely construed. Last year’s workshops were a great success with 220 attendees and 24 workshops.
If you have any enquiries regarding the workshops, please contact the administrator at:

Workshop Structure  
Convenors organize a workshop which can have between 3 and 12 paper-givers.  The reading of these papers takes place over four sessions, each lasting three and a half hours. For workshops with just 3 paper givers this normally requires only one session, with 6 papers 2 sessions and so on. In most cases, paper-givers will be asked to speak for 30 minutes, and will then field questions and comments for a further 30 minutes. However, workshop convenors are free to organize the length of the presentation and question time as they see fit.  In short, a workshop can last for one session, or it may extend through all four sessions. For example, some may find it convenient to squeeze four paper-givers into one session or use 2 sessions with 2 papers read per session. Also, if a workshop has, say, 5 paper-givers, the second session can finish an hour early. On occasion workshop convenors in the past have had a ’round table’ discussion about a particular topic. This could have up to six speakers and would normally last for only one session.
Please also note that workshop convenors decide which papers to accept in their workshop. (We do not vet papers and workshops range from those which discuss fully developed papers to those where nascent ideas are given their first hearing.) There is no conference policy on whether papers should be circulated to other workshop participants in advance and, again, this is for the workshop convenors to decide.  We do provide a conference website where papers can be posted or they can be circulated among workshop paper givers through email etc.
While participants in the MANCEPT workshops need not be paper givers, and workshop chairs may decide not to deliver a paper, all participants must be attached to a particular workshop and their attendance agreed by with the workshop convenor. Note, too, that delegates are free to attend any workshop they like during the 4 sessions when their own workshop is not meeting.
If you are interested in convening a workshop, please contact Chris Mills. You are also welcome to contact the MANCEPT organising team to discuss any issues that arise.
The websites for previous years workshops can be found here and here