A filósofa inglesa Onora O'Neill (Cambridge) publicou uma reunião de artigos e conferências sobre a filosofia moral e política de Kant e suas implicações para o debate filosófico contemporâneo. O'Neill é uma das principais responsáveis pela retomada da teoria moral kantiana nos países de língua inglesa. Aluna (e crítica) de John Rawls, seu livro Acting on Principle de 1975 (ainda sem tradução para o português) é considerado por muitos um marco nos estudos kantianos na medida em que reformulou o argumento do Imperativo Categórico à luz da teoria da ação contemporânea. O livro também é tido por um dos melhores livros de comentário filosófico da segunda metade do século XX. O'Neill mostrou que é possível aliar interpretação histórica com relevância analítica. Desde então, O'Neill tem escrito sobre cosmopolitismo, direitos humanos, razão pública e a noção de "confiança" no debate público. Alguns dos artigos presentes na edição podem ser encontrados nos links abaixo.
- O'neill: Constructing Authorities: Reason, Politics and Interpretation in Kant's Philosophy
This collection of essays brings together the central lines of thought in Onora O'Neill's work on Kant's philosophy, developed over many years. Challenging the claim that Kant's attempt to provide a critique of reason fails because it collapses into a dogmatic argument from authority, O'Neill shows why Kant held that we must construct, rather than assume, the authority of reason, and how this can be done by ensuring that anything we offer as reasons can be followed by others, including others with whom we disagree. She argues that this constructivist view of reasoning is the clue to Kant's claims about knowledge, ethics and politics, as well as to his distinctive accounts of autonomy, the social contract, cosmopolitan justice and scriptural interpretation. Her essays are a distinctive and illuminating commentary on Kant's fundamental philosophical strategy and its implications, and will be a vital resource for scholars of Kant, ethics and philosophy of law.
Part I. Authority in Reasoning:
1. Vindicating reason
2. Kant: rationality as practical reason
3. Kant's conception of public reason
4. Constructivism in Rawls and Kant
5. Changing constructions
1. Vindicating reason
2. Kant: rationality as practical reason
3. Kant's conception of public reason
4. Constructivism in Rawls and Kant
5. Changing constructions
Part II. Authority, Autonomy and Public Reason:
6. Autonomy: the emperor's new clothes
7. Self-legislation, autonomy and the form of law
8. Autonomy and public reason in Kant, Habermas and Rawls
Part III. Authority in Politics:
9. Orientation in thinking: geographical problems, political solutions
10. Kant and the social contract tradition
11. Historical trends and human futures
12. Cosmopolitanism then and now
Part IV. Authority in Interpretation:
13. Kant on reason and religion I: reasoned hope
14. Kant on reason and religion II: reason and interpretation