terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2012

John Tomasi: "Free Market Fairness"

O blog Bleeding Heart Libertarians (sim eles existem) está promovendo uma rodada de discussões sobre o livro recente de John Tomasi, Free Market Fairness. Elizabeth Anderson contribuiu com o texto "Recharting the Map of Social and Political Theory: Where is Government? Where is Conservatism?".

Tomasi’s map of social possibilities confuses government with the state and the capitalist economy with the market.  A more illuminating map would identify government with any organization in which some people systematically issue authoritative commands, backed up by penalties, to others.  It would then distinguish liberal democratic from authoritarian governments, and public governments (states) from private governments such as firms.  Tomasi’s defective social map generates a flawed map of political theories.  He describes market democracy as an icebreaker between two frozen coasts of political theory: libertarians and classical liberals on one side, “high” liberals on the other.  This map omits the conservative coast.  Conservatism, the historic enemy of liberalism, stands for social hierarchy and authoritarianism—arbitrary, discretionary, secret, unaccountable government. 

Social Justice, Free Market Style, John Tomasi (Public Policy Research 2012)