quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

Skinner: "How Machiavellian was Machiavelli?"

Por conta das homenagens referentes ao "quingentésimo"aniversário de publicação de O Príncipe, o filósofo e historiador inglês Quentin Skinner ministrou uma aula pública na Universidade de York a respeito da obra e legado de Nicolau Maquiavel.


quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

NY Books: Waldron, Sustein, e Berlin

Do periódico NY Review of Books: 

O filósofo Jeremy Waldron resenha os livros novos de Alan Ryan "On Politics: a History of Political Thought" (2 volumes imensos), e "The Making of Modern Liberalism":

(ver também a entrevista de Ryan para o Phil Bites: "On Freedom and its History")

Cass Sustein resenha o polêmico livro de Sarah Conly sobre paternalismo - "Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism":

E, por fim, devido as comemorações de 50 anos de atividade, a NY Review of Books está selecionando de sua história para a publicação no site da revista. Na edição dessa semana, Isaiah Berlin sobre a originalidade de Maquiavel:

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

Bolsas de pós-doutorado: Universidade de Oslo

O centro de pesquisa PLURICOURTS da faculdade de direito de Oslo (Noruega) disponibilizou 3 bolsas de pós-doutorado (de 3 anos de duração cada) para pesquisadores interessados no funcionamento e na legitimidade das cortes e tribunais internacionais. As inscrições vão até o dia 5 de Março. 

PLURICOURTS - The Legitimate Roles of the Judiciary in the Global Order

Why should  international courts and tribunals (ICTs) enjoy such authority as they currently do, or claim? That is, for which sound reasons should domestic or international authorities, or private individuals and bodies, defer to ICTs?

About the project

The primary research objective of PluriCourts is to analyze and assess the legitimate present and future roles of the cascade of international courts and tribunals (ICTs) - an emerging global judiciary – in the international and domestic order.
Our working hypothesis is that ICTs should be subject to legitimacy standards known from domestic constitutional debates, such as democratic control, rule of law values, subsidiarity in relation to national organs, and achievement of their objectives. But these standards must be critically assessed, realigned, specified and adapted to the international context, to ICTs’ interaction with national constitutional orders, and to differences among ICTs, e.g. for world trade or human rights.
This normative assessment of ICTs-the primary research objective of PluriCourts-depends on empirical and legal analyses of three issues, pursued as secondary research objectives.

Human rights, trade, criminal law, investment, and environment

  • Research Topic (RT) 1 concerns the Origins of the ICTs: what did states want to achieve with the ICTs, how have they been established and why do we have ICTs for some international challenges -but not others?
  • RT2 explores how ICTs Function, operate and are structured.
  • RT3 addresses the Effects of ICTs, especially how well they promote their founders’ objectives–possibly adjusted over time.
  • RT4 assesses the criticisms against ICTs, using theories and principles of Legitimacy well known from domestic constitutional theory, duly developed for ICTs.
  • RT5 builds on the other RTs to develop and assess plausible, sustainable Models for each ICT and for their interaction with national/international bodies, such as more or less centralized and independent ICTs
To address these questions, PluriCourts focuses on five sectors of international law: human rights, trade, criminal law, investment, and environment–where the latter lacks a judiciary.


PluriCourts is a Centre of Excellence at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo funded by the Research Council of Norway.

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Curso Livre de Teoria Crítica (UNICAMP)

A partir do mês de março o Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UNICAMP sediará o já famoso curso livre de Teoria Crítica, ministrado por pesquisadores do CEBRAP e comandado pelo pesquisador Marcos Nobre. A estrutura do curso abrange desde os fundamentos da Escola de Frankfurt até seus desdobramentos contemporâneos - passando por nomes menos conhecidos como Pollock e Neumann.


Realizado pela primeira vez no segundo semestre de 2006, no Goethe-Institut de São Paulo, o Curso Livre de Teoria Crítica foi transformado em livro em 2008, e tem como um de seus objetivos apresentar de uma nova maneira as autoras e autores mais conhecidos da Teoria Crítica, tais como Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno e Walter Benjamin. Essa apresentação tem como pano de fundo a exigência de investigar a possível atualidade desses/as autores/as para uma renovação da visão crítica frente aos desafios da sociedade contemporânea. O Curso visa também apresentar autores que são menos conhecidos no Brasil, tais como Friedrich Pollock, Otto Kirchheimer e Franz Neumann. Além disso, pretende também apresentar autoras e autores que trazem para o debate contemporâneo questões clássicas da Teoria Crítica, tais como Iris Young, Axel Honneth, Seyla Benhabib e Nancy Fraser. Para tornar possível essa empreitada, o Curso Livre contará com a presença de pesquisadores/as convidados/as que têm destaque no campo da Teoria Crítica no Brasil. O Curso será composto por conferências, seguidas de debate, nas noites de quarta-feira, ao longo de todo o primeiro semestre de 2013. O Curso Livre será destinado aos alunos do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Filosofia, podendo ser estendido aos alunos do Curso de Graduação em Filosofia da Unicamp, visto que será utilizada a estrutura física da Graduação.

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

Nota de Falecimento: Ronald Myles Dworkin

Na última quinta-feira (14) o filósofo norte-americano Ronald Myles Dworkin (NYU/London College) morreu aos 81 anos de idade. Dworkin era considerado um dos filósofos mais importantes do mundo tanto pelos seus artigos acadêmicos como por suas famosas resenhas e ensaios no periódico The New York Review of Books. Sua teoria da interpretação constitucional a partir de princípios morais revolucionou o campo dos estudos jurídicos de língua inglesa (até então dominados pelo positivismo de H. L. A. Hart). Seu último livro, "Justice for Hedgehogs", ao mesmo tempo sintetiza os diversos interesses de Dworkin ao longo de sua carreira (verdade, interpretação, moralidade, etc.) como marca sua ruptura definitiva com a interpretação do liberalismo tal como defendida por John Rawls.

Ronald Dworkin

Ronald Dworkin at Oxford University in the 1970s. Photograph: Terrence Spencer/ Time & Life/Getty

A seguir, os obituários no NYTimes e no The Guardian, sua Kellogg Lecture de 2009, uma lista de artigos publicados pela The NYBooks e sua entrevista de 2007 para a revista Novos Estudos (Cebrap): 

Avrtizer: "The People's Congress"

A Boston Review liberou o último artigo de sua série especial sobre o futuro da democracia na América Latina. No ensaio "The People's Congress", o cientista político brasileiro Leonardo Avrtizer (UFMG) avalia as conferências e assembleias nacionais como experiências de participação da sociedade civil no processo democrático do país.  

by Leonardo Avrtizer

In June 2005 a scandal shook the administration of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. His Workers’ Party (PT) had been charged with making monthly payments to members of Congress to support its favored legislation. Allegations of vote buying have never been proved, and the accused were never linked directly to Lula, who managed to avoid the fallout. But there is no denying what the scandal revealed about the deep structural problems in Brazil’s democracy and the formation of majorities in the Brazilian Congress.
In 1988 Brazil enacted a new constitution. Its approval concluded the transition back to democracy. More than two decades of authoritarian rule were over. But it remained to be seen how far the country had come in changing long-standing traditions of political exclusion. While the constitution included fourteen articles enhancing popular participation, the organization of the political system was largely unchanged. Presidents would be elected by popular vote, but Congress remained as weak and fragmented as it had been under the authoritarian regime. Even a president elected with majority support would have trouble gaining Congress’s backing. In the last five elections, the president’s party has never claimed more than 20 percent of the seats in Congress.
Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who served as president from 1995 until 2003, created an ingenious way of governing within this framework. Despite lacking majority control, he was able to get his legislation approved in Congress. He established broad alliances between his party and an array of other parties. This “presidential coalition” system involved the strategic distribution of ministry positions in order to form a coalition. The result was a 70.7 percent success rate in Congress for executive legal initiatives, rivaling outcomes in the British Parliament.

sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2013

Philip Pettit: "Taking back the economy"

O filósofo Philip Pettit escreveu um artigo para o projeto Open Democracy no qual reivindica uma abordagem republicana para lidarmos com a economia política. Pettit contrasta o modelo republicano de economia, no qual a ordem pública possibilita a esfera dos interesses privados, com o modelo libertariano no qual, segundo o filósofo, as interações econômicas são naturalizadas. Mercado como res publica.

by Phillip Pettit

Freedom in the republican tradition requires enjoyment of the fundamental liberties with the security that only a rule of law can provide. You must be publicly protected and resourced in such a way that it is manifest to you and to all that under local (not unnecessarily restrictive) conventions: you can speak your mind, associate with your fellows, enjoy communal resources, locate where you will, move occupation and make use of what is yours, without reason for fearing anyone or deferring to anyone. You have the standing of a liber or free person; you enjoy equal status under the public order and you share equally in control over that order. 
This approach to the public world ascribes importance to a sphere of relatively private relationships and actions, insisting that within that sphere you should not be beholden to anyone for your ability to act as you will. But on any of the established republican views that sphere is a space that is carved out by public custom and law, maintained by public enforcement, and secured by a form of public control in which each has an equal share. The rules of public order constitute the possibility of private life in the way in which the rules of a game like chess constitute the possibility of playing that game. They represent enabling (or enabling-cum-constraining) rules, not rules that merely regulate a pre-existing domain.
This republican image runs into sharp conflict with a more received picture, celebrated by right-wing libertarians, according to which the rules of public order regulate the private sphere rather than serving – now in the fashion of one culture, now in the fashion of another – to make it possible. On this libertarian view the private sphere is only contingently dependent on public regulation, not dependent in the constitutive manner envisaged in the republican. The conflict between the images is important because it shows up in alternative visions of the economy and the relationship between the economy and the state.
Property: the contrast in libertarian and republican views
To bring out the conflict of images, consider the property conventions that establish the titles and rights of ownership. On the libertarian picture owning is a natural relationship — you might think of it as a relationship of possession and use — and the rules of property serve to affirm and protect the natural rights of owners.

quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013

Realizing Global Justice: University of Tromsø (Norway)

Inscrições abertas para o seminário sobre jsutiça global na Universidade de Tromsø (Noruega). Entre os palestrantes convidados, Phillipe Van Parijs (Louvain) e Thomas Pogge (Yale). Vale notar que durante o evento serão expostas as obras do fotógrafo brasileiro Rodolfo Gil!

Realizing Global Justice: Theory and Practice, 19–22 June 2013, University of Tromsø

Gustavo Gil (The Claims of Justice)

The Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice (PDJ) research group of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Tromsø invites you to participate in the conference Realizing Global Justice: Theory and Practice to be held on 19–22 June 2013 at the University of Tromsø, Norway.
The conference is intended as a meeting place for friendly discussions and conjoint learning among students, young researchers and internationally renowned researchers such as Professor Philippe Van Parijs (Catholic University of Louvain), Professor Thomas Pogge (Yale University), Professor Gerard Delanty (University of Sussex), Professor Tove Pettersen (University of Oslo), and Associate Professor Eva Erman (Uppsala University).
The University of Tromsø, the northernmost university in the world, was included among the world’s top universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities in 2010. Moreover, the university was pleased and honored to have Noam Chomsky as a guest lecturer at a meeting held in September 2012 demonstrating our engagement in an open and meaningful debate on global justice issues.
The conference will also be a great opportunity to explore the capital city of the Arctic, a place full of culture and history, surrounded by incredibly beautiful fjords and mountains. At the time of the conference, it will be possible to enjoy the midnight sun.
During the conference days, you are also invited to admire the photography exhibition “The Claims of Justice”, by the Brazilian photographer, Rodolfo Gil. A very inspiring experience, indeed!

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Habermas e a Religião

A Polity Press lançou neste mês Habermas and Religion, um livro dedicado às relações entre a filosofia de Jürgen Habermas e as religiões. Craig Calhoun (LSE), Eduardo Mandieta (SUNY) e Jonathan VanAntwerpen (SSRC), organizaram os trabalhos sobre o tema apresentados em um simpósio de 2009 na Universidade de Nova Yorque. Desde a publicação de Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Essays (publicado na Alemanha em 2005) as implicações da teoria razão comunicativa para o pluralismo religioso tem sido um importante objeto de discussão filosófica. Teria Habermas reformulado sua caracterização das sociedades pósmetafísicas frente a persistência das práticas religiosas?

Abaixo, uma entrevista do filósofo alemão a um dos editores do livro, a justificativa do prêmio Erasmus 2013 concedido a Habermas e o índice do livro (do blog Habermas and Rawls).

Habermas and Religion presents a series of original and sustained engagements with Habermas's writing on religion in the public sphere, featuring new work and critical reflections from leading philosophers, social and political theorists, and anthropologists. 

Contributors to the volume respond both to Habermas's ambitious and well-developed philosophical project and to his most recent work on religion. The book closes with an extended response from Habermas.

sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

Incrições para XI Congresso de Ciência Política (SAAP - Argentina)

Estão abertas as inscrições para o 11 Congresso de Ciência Política da SAAP (Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Politico) que se realizará na cidade do Paraná (Argentina) entre os dias 17 e 20 de julho. O formulário de inscrição e as regras do evento encontram-se a seguir.

Apertura del proceso de inscripción al XI Congreso Nacional de Ciencia Política 

La SAAP informa que a partir del 23 de enero de 2013 se abre oficialmente el periodo de inscripciones para el XI Congreso Nacional de Ciencia Política a celebrarse en la ciudad de Paraná entre el 17 y 20 de julio de 2013. El proceso de inscripción requiere cumplimentar los siguientes pasos:

1. Completar en línea todos los campos indicados como obligatorios del formulario de inscripción

2. Abonar el arancel de inscripción que corresponda según su condición de socio o no de la institución, la categoría de inscripción (graduado / estudiante) y la modalidad de participación en el XI Congreso (panelista / asistente). Los miembros (socios) de la institución deberán abonar conjuntamente con el arancel de inscripción la cuota anual correspondiente a 2013. Se recuerda que a partir del 1ª de enero de 2013 el valor de la cuota anual es de $160 para graduados y $80 para estudiantes. Toda la información relativa a los medios de pago está disponible en: 

3. En caso de abonar el arancel a través de transferencia o depósito deberá enviar el comprobante a tesorero@saap.org.ar, a los fines de poder identificar el pago.

Asimismo se informa que quienes deseen asociarse a la institución y participen del XI Congreso Nacional tendrán una bonificación del 20% sobre el arancel de inscripción para no socios que corresponda a su categoría de inscripción y modalidad de participación. En dicho caso deberá consultar con Tesorería (tesorero@saap.org.arel importe a abonar.

Ante cualquier duda sobre la categoría de inscripción que le corresponde así como sobre el monto a abonar se sugiere ponerse en contacto contesorero@saap.org.ar. .

Por último se informa que la información relativa a las fechas para presentación de resúmenes, propuestas de panel y envío de ponencias se encuentra disponible en:

Saludos cordiales.