A ofensiva israelense na Faixa de Gaza já dura um mês. Diante das cenas chocantes do "massacre de Gaza", a comunidade internacional procura oferecer argumentos a favor (e contra) sanções econômicas ao Estado de Israel - nos mesmos moldes das sanções aplicadas ao regime de apartheid na Africa do Sul. Espera-se que sanções e boicotes enfraqueçam a (já seriamente desacreditada) política nacional de segurança israelense. Em ensaio para o jornal eletrônico Open Democracy, Martin Shaw (Sussex) avalia as principais justificativas para o boicote - incluindo suas próprias objeções anteriores à iniciativa - e o que mudou nos últimos anos. Em ensaio para o The Nation, Noam Chomsky rejeita a proposta mas afirma: a situação atual dos palestinos pode ser ainda pior do que a dos negro sul-africanos. Já Rashid Kalidi (Columbia) em artigo para o Estadão procura sustentar a interpretação de uma política deliberada de "punição coletiva" contra os palestinos de Gaza.
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O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. Para compartilhar este conteúdo, utilize o link:http://alias.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,punicao-coletiva,15
"Within Israel, discrimination against non-Jews is severe; the land laws are just the most extreme example. But it is not South African-style apartheid. In the occupied territories, the situation is far worse than it was in South Africa, where the white nationalists needed the black population: it was the country's workforce, and as grotesque as the bantustans were, the nationalist government devoted resources to sustaining and seeking international recognition for them. In sharp contrast, Israel wants to rid itself of the Palestinian burden. The road ahead is not toward South Africa, as commonly alleged, but toward something much worse." (Noam Chomsky).
"Within Israel, discrimination against non-Jews is severe; the land laws are just the most extreme example. But it is not South African-style apartheid. In the occupied territories, the situation is far worse than it was in South Africa, where the white nationalists needed the black population: it was the country's workforce, and as grotesque as the bantustans were, the nationalist government devoted resources to sustaining and seeking international recognition for them. In sharp contrast, Israel wants to rid itself of the Palestinian burden. The road ahead is not toward South Africa, as commonly alleged, but toward something much worse." (Noam Chomsky).