Durante o 23o. Congresso Mundial de Filosofia realizado neste mês em Atenas, o filósofo alemão Jürgen Habermas participou da mesa "cosmopolitismo" e ministrou a conferência intitulada "A Plea for a Constitutionalization of International Law". O texto desenvolve as possibilidades normativas de uma sociedade mundial sem um governo global a partir dos problemas enfrentados pela União Européia.
Jürgen Habermas no 23o. Congresso Mundial de Filosofia (Atenas)
Let me explain why I prefer to focus on the more specific and demanding perspective of a constitutionalization of international law. The concept of „cosmopolitanism‟ leads us to continue a train of thought that bypasses the major problem of how to tame, channel, and civilize political power in legal terms even beyond the nation state. Cosmopolitanism remains a somewhat loose conception unless it confronts the issue of a transnationalization of the achievements of the constitutional state. For the process of extending democracy and the rule of law beyond national borders German public lawyers have developed the concept of a “constitutionalization of international law”. Let me first explain this concept (I) and then, in a second part, use some aspects of the present European crisis as an example for identifying one major obstacle on the road that eventually may lead us to a political constitution for a world society without a world government (II).