sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2015

Chamada: Economic Justice and Political Action

Inscrições abertas para a conferência Justiça Econômica e Ação Política organizada pela Universidade de Barcelona. Entre os convidados estão Rainer Forst, Paula Casal e Lea Ypi. Ótima oportunidade para conhecer a belíssima cidade de Barcelona. (Agradeço a Iñigo González pelo lembrete!).


University of Barcelona - October 7, 8 and 9, 2015

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Paula Casal (ICREA-UPF)

Rainer Forst (Goethe Frankfurt)

César Rendueles (UCM)

Lea Ypi (LSE)

The 2015 Political Philosophy Conference at the University of Barcelona seeks to gather contributions on political action, economic justice, and the intersection between the two. We thus invite submissions of papers—both from political philosophy and the social sciences and both contemporary and historical—on these issues:

-Political action: including papers on social movements and political parties, political participation and representation, the logic of resistance and protest, the forms and mechanisms of democracy, the possibilities and limits of ICT, and the very concept of the political.

-Economic justice: including papers on exploitation, ownership, labor, poverty, capital, consumption, care work, taxation, the commons, and inequality, as well as contributions by classic and contemporary authors addressing these issues.

-The intersection between the previous two areas: including papers addressing political actions in the economic realm (consumer boycotts, anti-eviction movements, unionism, etc.) or papers analyzing policies that target economic injustices, such as economic democracy-promoting policies, redistributive and predistributive policies, or social and economic constitutional rights.

Submission guidelines

The conference, organized by the UB Political Philosophy Seminar, will take place in October, 7, 8, and 9, 2015 in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (in the historic city center, see map: The conference will host paper presentations in the morning and two keynote presentations each afternoon.

Submission deadline is June 30, 2015. Submitted papers should be no longer than ten pages, Times New Roman 12 pt. 1.5 line spacing. They should include an abstract and a list of five keywords. To enable blind review, the name and institutional affiliation of the author should be removed and placed in an accompanying file. Both documents should be sent to

Each submission will be anonymously reviewed by two referees. Decisions will be notified by email in July 31. No conference fee will be charged, and a limited number of accommodation grants will be offered to those whose papers are accepted. A selection of the accepted papers will be published—unless otherwise stated by the author—in Astrolabio. International Journal of Philosophy. Queries can be sent to