Em setembro do ano passado Habermas ministrou uma conferência na Noruega sobre sua proposta de radicalização do projeto de integração política européia por meio de uma democracia transnacional. A palestra Democracy in Europe: Why the Development of the European Union into a Transnational Democracy is Necessary and How it is Possible encontra-se disponível em formato de working paper no centro de estudos europeus ARENA. (ver o link abaixo). No Brasil, temos traduzido Sobre a Constituição da Europa (ed. Unesp) texto de 2011 no qual o filósofo alemão desenvolve pela primeira vez de modo sistemático sua proposta constitucional transnacional para o continente. Em tempos de Syriza e Podemos talvez seja o momento para os europeus começarem a levar Habermas a sério.
Can the process of European unification lead to a form of democracy that is at
once supranational and situated above the organizational level of a state? The
supranational federation should be constructed in such a way that the
heterarchical relationship between the member states and the federation
remains intact. I find the basis for such an order in the idea of the EU
constituted by a “doubled” sovereign – the European citizens and the
European peoples (the states). In order to sustain such an order reforms of the
existing European treaties are needed. It is necessary to eliminate the
legitimation deficits of the European Union in a future Euro-Union – that is, a
more closely integrated core Europe. The European Parliament would have to
gain the right to take legislative initiatives, and the so-called “ordinary
legislative procedure,” which requires the approval of both chambers, would
have to be extended to all policy fields.